
All instructors have an accredited education, they have briefly told you something about themselves in their profiles, and from these profiles you can get directly to the reservation system, where you will see the lessons of the selected lecturer in all studies.
Agáta Kouřilová

Agáta Kouřilová

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Dita Línová

Dita Línová

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Ivana Hájková

Ivana Hájková

As a mother of three, I recommend staying active during pregnancy. Exercise will give you energy, release tension and strengthen stressed areas. You will learn to breathe and tune in to your baby. Generally, many of the poses you perform are similar to those performed in regular vinyasa class, they'll just be modified for your safety. For those who have been practicing for some time, chaturanga is no longer a bad word and a headstand no longer scares them. In addition, if you want to learn headstands, splits or just work on your flexibility, then you have made the right choice. Not suitable for beginners.

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Kateřina Červáková (Bělohlávková)

Kateřina Červáková (Bělohlávková)

Every lesson begins with calming down and harmonizing the breath that will prepare us for the whole practice. Gradually, we will go through the stretching practise after what we will reach dynamic area where we will stretch the body and strengthen the muscles but we will never miss the final relaxation. My lessons are dynamic, but my clients have always the opportunity to practice as they want and can. Yoga practise is not a competition :)

More about me

I fell in love with yoga few years ago and I started to enjoy this spiritual direction that can improve life in all aspects if you give it a chance and space. I started with dynamic forms like poweryoga, vinyasa and ashtanga, to which I still like to return to and I am improving my skills. Over time, however, I have found that there is a need to calm down the body and také care about connective issues, bones, that is why I am also increasingly interested in yin yoga and softer styles.

2019 – Master training of Poweryoga (Poweryoga academy with Václav Krejčík and Katarina Mikulandová)

2018 - Asana Clinic / The Art of Yoga Touch (Ananda Ashtanga Yoga Shala with Ladislav Pokorny)

2018 - Jin Yoga Teacher Training Course for Yoga Teachers (School of Karma Yoga with Veronika Carmanova)

2017/2018 - 200h Teacher training of Hatha Yoga accredited by MŠMT and Yoga Alliance RYT (School of Karma Yoga with Veronika Carmanova)

No matter how I feel, whenever I unfold my yogamat and focus on myself, my breath and I gradually stretch my body, I feel like I am reborn. I like to pass on this essence to my clients and see their progress. Passing on something that you enjoy to people is the most meaningful thing you can do in your life.

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Kristína Fulková (Jakubíková)

Kristína Fulková (Jakubíková)

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Kristýna Mikšovská

Kristýna Mikšovská

Jóga si mě získala díky své komplexnosti a rozmanitosti, kdy je vidět, že si opravdu každý přijde na své. Proto na lekcích podporuji klienty v tom, aby se zaměřili opravdu jen sami na sebe, na své aktuální rozpoložení a možnosti. Na tyto dva aspekty cílím i ve svých lekcích, v dynamičtějších především na rozmanitost a při relaxacích na komplexnost. Zpevnit, protáhnout a uvolnit, to potřebuje nejen naše tělo, ale i naše mysl. S radostí pak sleduji klienty, jak se s časem posouvají ve své praxi dále. V józe nejraději kombinuji dynamické a jemnější lekce tak, abychom dosáhli vyváženosti. 

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Jóga si mě našla před sedmi lety, kdy jsem po dlouhé době skončila s tenisem a dalšími sporty, které mne nenaplňovaly, cítila jsem se v zajetí hry, kde je cílem se neustále porovnávat s ostatními a soutěžit. 


S jógou je to jiné, dává mi svobodu vědomě prožívat přítomný okamžik. Je na každém z nás, kam a zda se chceme posouvat. Každý den je jiný a s každou praxí cítím, že se rozvíjím jak fyzicky, tak psychicky. Na józe mě taky baví to, že spojuje. Nejen, že vytváří nová přátelství, ale díky ní konečně nacházíme spojení se svým tělem a nalézáme limity naší mysli, které nám pomáhá zpracovat a časem opustit. Je to taková cesta poznání sebe sama. 


Co chci klientům předat? Hlavně to, co v daný moment potřebují a energii, která jim vydrží minimálně až do další lekce. :)


Jsem vcelku praktická a mám ráda, když nám to co děláme přináší nejen potěšení, ale i užitek. Pohyb obecně nasytí naše tělo endorfiny a na nějaký čas uspokojí psychiku, ale jednostranné sporty mnohdy přetíží naše tělo, které se pak dožaduje uvolnění a komplexnějšího přístupu - jóga nabízí obojí.

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Linda Konášová

Linda Konášová

My yoga classes invite you to quiet stillness and relaxation as you enjoy your evening in the middle of the week. They are intended specifically for those who are interested in a gentle way of practising. Classes are influenced by traditional approach to yoga and incorporate simple flowing sequences to warm up the body, yoga postures, breath work and each of them starts and ends with guided relaxation. Come and experience your own yoga practice.

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Martina Benešová

Martina Benešová

I am certified yoga teacher teaching mostly aerial yoga. Every week I prepare different class, so that you can try within time as many poses as possible. Aerial yoga has wide range of options, yoga poses can be easier or even more advanced than on the ground. The most important thing is, that it is great fun and I hope that everyone can enjoy my classes.

My classes are quite dynamic and not really easy, however I give options of the exercises and poses for beginners and advanced if necessary. You are welcome to rest whenewer you feel to do so and ask whatever you need to be explained more. Every group is really different every week, so I am trying to adjust the level of the lesson to the current condition of participants. I like when the mood during the class is positive, and that everyone can forget everyday problems for at least 60 minutes a week.

I am totally able to teach whole class in English, however it depends how many foreigners are present. I am mostly translating whatever I feel is necessary according to the level of the participant(s).

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Martina Korálová

Martina Korálová

For our English speaking students I offer English translation during my classes. Although the class is generally in Czech language, I make sure none of my foreign students are lost and can easily follow all the yoga postures.

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Martina Rysová

Martina Rysová

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Monika Stuart

Monika Stuart

I'll be happy to welcome you at yoga practise with me if yoga is the way of life for you and not just an exercise. Don't expect music or candle burning. We'll rest our senses from outer distructions and focus inside instead. With attention to our inner space and breath, we'll learn to understand the body, breath, emotions, practise concentration for quieter mind...

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Radka Macháčková

Radka Macháčková

I discovered yoga by a mere coincidence, thanks to love for a totally different physical activity. And I can say today that this love will not be taken by anyone. I have been working as an instructor since 2015. Movement is an integral part of my life, I am just a type of person who can not stand still for a while. And that's one of the reasons why I love yoga. It teaches me patience, composure and peace.

I am extremely grateful that my hobby became my job. I see my profession as a way how I can, at least partly, help other people.

More about me

To give them my knowledge, experience and to show my clients that everything is possible. We just have to give it a chance and try to change the way we look at some things in our lives.

In my practice I focus mainly on classical Hatha yoga and Jin yoga. And because a few years ago I totally fell in love with aerial acrobatics, I decided to combine both of these activities and began practicing Aerial Yoga. Indeed Aerial yoga was the beginning of my journey. :)

I am an energetic creature and I enjoy friendly and positive atmosphere during my classes. ;)

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Renáta Goryszewská

Renáta Goryszewská

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Sandra Laurencová

Sandra Laurencová

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