Power Yoga

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Studio Anděl Studio Chodov Studio VinohradyHow do we practice
Power yoga evolved from Hatha Yoga but it’s physically more demanding and focused on stretching and conditioning of the whole body. The transitions between asanas are dynamic and with the focus on strength and mobility. It develops concentration, aware control over body movement and it’s suitable to get lean body and keep the bodyweight. The class helps with physical and mental relaxation as well.
Who is it for
This style of yoga is suitable for active health people without serious health issues and for everyone who need more movement and dynamic practice.
More about "Power Yoga"
Power Yoga evolved from Hatha Yoga – one of the traditional paths of Yoga - in 1980s in the USA as the connection between classical Hatha and modern exercises as Pilates and Stretching. It’s very popular today and often mistaken as the traditional yoga practice. Power Yoga is dynamic asana practice aiming to relax, stretch and strengthen the body. In contrary to Hatha, it’s main purpose is the strength and conditioning of the body. Power Yoga is simplified Ashtanga Vinyasa and is based on repetitive practice of the asana on regular basis with dynamic transitions between positions.
Power Yoga helps with weight reduction, flexibility and mobility, it calms down the nervous system and charges with positive energy. It helps with coordination and positively affects the stability - it activates the deep postural muscles which keep your spine and joins in good condition. Power Yoga offers great workout, calms down the mind and brings the stamina and power to your body and mind.
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