Yoga focused on healthy back

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Studio Anděl Studio Chodov Studio VinohradyHow do we practice
Healthy back class is here to relax your painful back, stretch the tight muscles and strengthen those that need it to create better support to your spine. We alternate yoga exercises, asanas, physiotherapy practices, working with props and relaxation. We work on understanding and practicing the function of breathing and conscious relaxing. Wrong practice might worsen your condition so we created this class where we focus on precision in every detail as it is crucial to work the body correctly to let it heal and get rid of the pain.
Who is it for
This practice is suitable for everyone regardless of age and fitness level. It’s extremely important to emphasize that the student should practice according to his condition. You shouldn’t aim to overcome your limits and try to pursue something here. Listen to your body and be thoughtful. The classes are hald by more teachers, find out what pace and style of teaching suits you the best. Should you have any health issues please inform your teacher.
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